Friday, February 22, 2008

Too much tv

I usually make sure my kids don't spend a lot of time in front of the tv. But this winter weather is enough to melt their eye sockets right out. I didn't really notice until today. Codie got home from school and my neice came over. They were watching one of the kids channels that has Hannah Montana. My neice was singing every word and I almost said something to tease her that she knew the words so well when Codie belts out the next line and even did little dance moves to go along with it. I felt like a horrible parent, that she has spent that much time watching tv. But then sadly I thought how cute she looked and how she likes to sing any song she can get into her brain.
Carson repeats lines from commercials and every once in awhile he says one and has no idea what he is saying. The one he says a lot is "one call, that's all". He will hear someone talking about using the phone or saying the word call and he just mutters it. Funny and disturbing all at the same time.
I remember doing the same thing when I was little and I sort of turned out normal.
"Big mac, filet 'o fish, quarter-pounder, french fries, icy coke, thick shakes, sundaes and apple pies."
I know you know that commercial.

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