Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy "Valentimes"

When I woke up this morning there was a buzz in the house of love. Everyone had made or bought something for everyone else. It was cute to have secrets to share with the kids as they helped pick a card or candy. We try to let the kids know that presents are for birthdays and Christmas, but a box of candy and a card is a fun treat. Chet and Codie picked a DVD "The Princess Bride". Several (10) years ago I took a class to prepare for marriage. The instructor (very serious type) asked on the first day what brought us here together today. Several students tried to explain their situation in dating or courtship. Finally thinking of a line from the movie, I blurted out "Mawage" (marriage). Totally embarassed but that was the answer he was looking for. Funny even now for a teacher who was supposed to have all these important answers about such a huge decision, and he started the class off with a joke. Maybe we all need to laugh a little more.
That movie came out 20 years ago! It seem like just a few years ago we were all pretending to sword fight and annoy everyone with that line from the movie "you killed my father, prepare to die!"
So now as my kids wonder what this movie is about, I get a little excited to find some time maybe this weekend to watch it together.
In the words of Carson Rebel Talbot "Happy Valentimes!"

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Rylee and Keegan love that movie. I think its one of the few movies that we can actually pass to future children! Humor, love, fighting but none of it going overboard or offensive. Anyway, glad the Talbots had a great Valentimes!! Miss you all!

PS..."Humpadink Humpadink Humpadink!"