Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My little Mud Boy

When is is going to be Spring?

We have been watching the snow melt very quickly off of our yard. While this means warm days are coming it also looks ugly. We have a dirt yard and it is not pretty green grass. So I almost would rather have a little snow to hide until we can plant grass. It has been tough on carson not being able to walk in the yard and stay out of trouble. I know I have a son, and boys naturally like dirt. I can handle dirt, just not mud. So everyone is getting cabin fever and trying to get over the last of the cold season. I work from home so even I am getting a little edgy sometimes. There are days when I want to go to the store just to wander. I have a really hard time scheduling time that i can do what i want. (This is very whiny of me but it's my blog) So I guess this is one of the many moments in my life where you think to yourself,"Hmmm, my mom and every other mom must have been so crazy when they were my age". I know I chose this life and I remind myself of that when I am struggling. I remind myself how lucky I am to have a good husband and a great bunch of kids. I sometimes have to repeat it over and over until I get over my mood of darkness.
I sure hope the sun comes out tomorrow!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Too much tv

I usually make sure my kids don't spend a lot of time in front of the tv. But this winter weather is enough to melt their eye sockets right out. I didn't really notice until today. Codie got home from school and my neice came over. They were watching one of the kids channels that has Hannah Montana. My neice was singing every word and I almost said something to tease her that she knew the words so well when Codie belts out the next line and even did little dance moves to go along with it. I felt like a horrible parent, that she has spent that much time watching tv. But then sadly I thought how cute she looked and how she likes to sing any song she can get into her brain.
Carson repeats lines from commercials and every once in awhile he says one and has no idea what he is saying. The one he says a lot is "one call, that's all". He will hear someone talking about using the phone or saying the word call and he just mutters it. Funny and disturbing all at the same time.
I remember doing the same thing when I was little and I sort of turned out normal.
"Big mac, filet 'o fish, quarter-pounder, french fries, icy coke, thick shakes, sundaes and apple pies."
I know you know that commercial.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Death and Taxes

Sounds pretty grim, but the saying goes,"Only two thing in life you can count on, death and taxes". It really isn't that bad but I would rather go to the dentist than get my taxes done. At least at the dentist they give you something to numb you up for the pain and you maybe even watch a little tv.
After that the day went better. Callie is crawling. She was just doing push ups a few weeks ago and no she zooms across the room. Every child (at least of ours) knows the remote is important and to try to get it at all times. Funny how it is almost a born instinct. Codie had a report in school to do on rattlesnakes. (Thanks barb and doyle) She wanted to show a skin from a snake but instead had to settle for a really crafty looking poster that I helped her make. Oh, ok so I let her glue the pages on the poster that I had fun making. I miss easy stuff like making posters and playing with markers and glue. I can't wait to see what kind of grade we got on it! Carson is so lucky he gets to hang with me alllllllllllll day! He usually rolls out of his jammies around 10am and starts checking his options for play friends for the day. He is so funny because he will always ask what time he has to be home and he does not know how to tell time. I am thinking he probably tells the mom what time to send him home. He is just very responsible for such a little guy. Some days nothing much happens, and those are probably the good days.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

An unexpected day

When you are a mom, there is no such thing as days off. You can turn in all the unused sick leave and vacation time you want but the laundry will pile up and the babies will still cry. So today started out busy and then a weird thing happened. People cancelled appointments (which does make me sad) and left me with the rest of my day to do things that i really needed to do.
When I get a day or really an hour that is mine to control, my mind races like a kid in a candy store trying to decide what to do first. My first thought is always to leave. I love our home, but it has been a long winter and I avoid dragging the kids to the store as much as possible. That is probably why I end up at Wally world on a friday night at midnight and come home two hours later. Anyways, I wanted to wander Target, or old Navy and then I thought of the laundry and the Tax appointment coming up and I did the very grown up thing and started our tax prep. It is like doing homework from highschool. It has to be done and it is not that hard, I just don't want to do it. So I didn't leave and find some treasure but I did relax and dress comfy. I let the kids run and play and when Chet got home we had had a pretty good day.

Monday, February 18, 2008


What weekend? The weekends fly by so fast and we try to cram so much into them, so come Monday we are exhausted.
This past friday Chet and i went dancing. Oh i know the hubby doesn't look like a Mambo king, but he knows what is good for his marriage. We have fun dancing because he doesn't know how and he doesn't mind me showing him. I always make him look good. It is better than a movie or even dinner, because for a few hours you get to be right in each others arms and there are no distractions. Every word i speak is heard. Not always listened to, but it is heard. There are wonderful couples to take a look at too. Beautiful white-haired couples that have danced through the war, through children, and some i bet great- grandchildren. They glide onto the floor knowing the step of their partner as well as their own. They take proper position, giving support to each other. Then they add their own touch of combinations and moves and it becomes a story. I could watch some of the couples and see the love and tenderness between them. It was beautiful.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy "Valentimes"

When I woke up this morning there was a buzz in the house of love. Everyone had made or bought something for everyone else. It was cute to have secrets to share with the kids as they helped pick a card or candy. We try to let the kids know that presents are for birthdays and Christmas, but a box of candy and a card is a fun treat. Chet and Codie picked a DVD "The Princess Bride". Several (10) years ago I took a class to prepare for marriage. The instructor (very serious type) asked on the first day what brought us here together today. Several students tried to explain their situation in dating or courtship. Finally thinking of a line from the movie, I blurted out "Mawage" (marriage). Totally embarassed but that was the answer he was looking for. Funny even now for a teacher who was supposed to have all these important answers about such a huge decision, and he started the class off with a joke. Maybe we all need to laugh a little more.
That movie came out 20 years ago! It seem like just a few years ago we were all pretending to sword fight and annoy everyone with that line from the movie "you killed my father, prepare to die!"
So now as my kids wonder what this movie is about, I get a little excited to find some time maybe this weekend to watch it together.
In the words of Carson Rebel Talbot "Happy Valentimes!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

In the beginning....

In the beginning I thought I would never figure this blog thing out. Or have anything to say. (I always have enough to say, but why write it down? ) Because I am human, and I have a terrible memory. Family and friends have shown me that it is fun and even a little theraputic to write things down.
So here goes, a journal of our life. The ups and downs of raising a family.
The title "Happy we will be" comes from a silly song that I sing when no one is around. I sing it to Callie, just like I have sung it to my other kids. I love to sing silly songs when no one is watching. So, sing along with me....In a cabin, in the woods a little old man by the window stood, saw a rabbit hopping by knocking at the door. Help me! Help me! Help me! he said, Or the hunter will shoot me dead, "Come little rabbit come with me, Happy we will be."
I never said my songs are normal, just silly, and they make me happy.