Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend flash

I swear when I was a kid, weekends lasted a long time. We had time to have a slumber party and go roller skating. Saturday we would clean inside or out. Go to the mall, a movie and dinner and still play until bed. Then Sunday was our rest day.
Now we see if we can get the house straightened a little before Sunday because the time has escaped us once again. We all felt pretty good this weekend. Yeah! Friday night my wonderful husband stayed home and babysat for me and my friend Stacy. We went to dinner. It doesn't sound like much but I needed it. Just to order and wait for my food. No bathroom trips or coloring on the menu. We talked about where our lives are going and what we have learned. I felt like I was in a movie where they talk about poetry and books written in french. I felt smart that I had something to contribute. We came back early and our kids didn't miss us at all.
Saturday was monster shopping day. If you know me you will know how exciting this next sentence is. Ross opened in Layton. No more driving to Bountiful! There is also a DSW shoe store that is very fun. My poor family tagged along for all my shopping adventure. They probably wanted to see if they could score an item or two for themselves. The sad thing is that when I shop it is almost always for them. We had a busy day and then Sunday we had to turn the clocks ahead so now it is Monday.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love those kinds of conversations! Especially when its with someone you've known forever. Like Stacy for you or Jill for me. I hope she is doing well.