Thursday, March 13, 2008

Activity Days

Today was like a mad dash and the finish line just keeps getting moved. I had to work a little first thing this morning then my next appt cancelled. Sometimes that happens at just the right moment. I needed more time to slow the pace down a bit. We had activity days at the church and I had some of the students from Fran Brown come down to help the girls learn to style their hair and polish nails. The girls are very sweet. We have one girl in the group who didn't want anything done to her hair because she is"sporty". Isn't it funny at age 8 and 9 they are already labeling themselves and others. She finally did paint her nails but no hair.
Codie is not old enough but since her mom is a leader she usually gets to go and do what they all do. Carson and Callie go and sometimes I feel like i should get a sitter but I already abuse the parents enough. Activity days are also hard because I get home and dinner is now going to be late. I should do a crock pot but that would require planning. We ended up with gopher for dinner. That is where you "gopher" yourself and find something in the fridge to eat. I feel like a bad mom when we eat crappy but I try to make up for it later on in the week.
It was a pretty fun day and I am totally exhausted.


The Birds said...

Don't feel like a bad mom for not cooking dinner! You got a lot accomplished in that day! Your kids are darling and I enjoy getting to know you better through your cute blog!

j nordfors said...

Doesn't it just seem like activity days sneaks up on you? It does for me. Thanks for getting all those girls for the activity, it was so fun and the girls just love you!