We had family from everywhere come home to visit.
Trips and parades and fun for everyone.
Here is the short version...
Callie and Carson whoopin it up at the fair.
Happy Day at the pool
Callie and Kenlee, so flippin cute!
Oh she loves parades, just like her mama!
Ma and Pa on the Bear Lake Beach
Carson at Liberty Park on Pioneer Day
Emily and Scott on their wedding day!
Grandparents love these kids
All the pretty girls!
4th of July
Syracuse Days Parade
Sunset at Emily's Shower
Emily's hot mumu!
Good Morning Halls Family! (Campout)
Callie is fashion forward at least one season.
Our stop in Vegas
San Diego has the best Sand
Scott is manly! He made Fire!!!
Jared and the girls ridin the tractor
Carson graduated preschool
Callie can see the future
Happy Birthday Callie!!!
These events were out of order but then again who says my life is ever IN order!
We are greatful for the great times we had with all our great family and friends.
Now we sleep.